

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Monday, June 8, 2020

That Question of Fear

Today in the long list of reading the Face Book notifications I came across
my  friends Andrea's post that said this?

Good question right? I mean logical.  Does that mean right this minute?
or yet does it mean from your past? I guess it really does not matter in
this, because the question is What would you (I) do if you (I) weren't
As we all are fighting a common fear right now called the COVD-19
and death, losing our income, how will one survive this lasted challenge
the world has given us? A good question. Over coming would be the "fear"
Not letting the fear take over us. Claim the victory of fear and claim your
stand in the fight( what ever that would be) to be in control. It is o.k to be
afraid, don't get me wrong. We are human. But to conquer that fear is such
a empowering feeling. We have the ability to control our fears, no matter
what they are. Some are more challenging than others. Some fears we must
take a while to conquer and them some right away. As Barney Fife (from
the Andy Griffith Show)  use to say " nip it in the bud".
And as this question asks. what would I do if I were not afraid?. I think for
myself , definitely would be more confident and brave about things. Heck I
might even go zip lining. Of course being courageous would not evolve into
being overbearing. We can still be cool and collective. Fear is a BIG word.
It is a very much part of our lives. Oh if we could be like little children and
be learning to walk. No fear they just go and when they fall they might cry
for a second because fear scared them , but then up and there they go again
forgetting what had just scared them.
Thank you to my friend who thought of a very inquiring question. Whom I
do hope she will gets lots of answers to her question.Of course for me My
would be the above as I said, but one thing i hate and fear the most is a
ugly spider, heck burn the house down. yep LOL.
So the question my friend Andrea  asked I hope will linger in someones mind to be a bit
more brave. To stand up and try again, and that is all that matters yes?
Not letting fear win. Thank you Andrea for asking  the question & letting our
brains work to think.

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