

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Saturday, April 28, 2018

PussyWillow Plant?

Good Morning! Well here it is morning.  Spring as finally
made it's wave.  I am sure we all love winter, but now it's 
time for those blooming flowers and , plants and happy critters. 
Of course this NOT your typical plant. Maybe some Catnip
can be grown here.
kitty plant


 Sebastian seems to like to dirt. Of course what tomcat
wouldn't.  He is always is open for love. Quite a verbal
kitty he is. Yes spring is here and the cats are happy to
baste in the sun more. 
Freedom outside is a cats best friend. Maybe a few flowers
might work as a bed. Of course if I wonder outside to try
and take a picture of that, Sebastian will move quickly to me
to get his love. One can wish for that camera with a great
zoom lens, This would not disturb him, Then on the other
hand if he hears me, well, I am spotted.  
Enjoy your days ahead. Pick lots of beautiful flowers and
enjoy what God has created. Be thankful for the little things
and our pets too , even if they pretend to be a plant.

Till the morrow. Many blessings

Monday, April 16, 2018

Not Rice at All

Quinoa this amazing tasting plant.  I do not know why I had not tried
this before. Couscous is the second runner up in this delightful dish.
This plant is a seed. And so not a grain, which i had thought.
When i first started using it I had been saying the name totally
wrong. the correct way to say it is Keen-wha'.
Seems this seed has been around for thousands of years. Why was
I not told? Oh yeah, maybe because i wasn't born yet LOL.
So now  I am adding this rich super food to my daily diet. It is
full of fiber and protein. So if your not use to having a lot of fiber
in your diet, may I suggest that you start out with small amounts
when eating this. Needless to say I found out my own way.
But now all good. I am very excited about this new ( well to me)
food.  This cute plant cooks up so light. And is tasty.
This one has mushrooms
One healthy shopping done

A great one to have around
I am not one
to  go into
great details
of such things
I figure if you
want all the info
on this seed you
can google it.
All I can do is
brag on how great
it is.

It just amazes me that it is not rice. It kinda even looks like rice to me  Trying
to explain to someone who does not now what this is was a brain thinker. Well
let me tell you what its not. Ha ha. I suggest going into a store if your buying
this for the first time, bring a photo and speak to someone who knows what
your talking about, even if your not sure yourself.
So I am into making my first meal. I added fresh mushrooms, onions, garlic
and Tofu. Threw in a side of tomato slices and wha-la done.

I hope that you try this Keen-wha . You will be so happy that you did. Thanks for 
always stopping by. Share a pic of your dish. Till the Morrow. Many blessings