

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

SPAM it Up

So the American kinda meat for today is the beloved "SPAM" . Of course not a  lot
of people are into spam, but for the most,yes. You either like or you don't.
I dare not say you will ever find this on the well to do table. It is a poor mans
meat. My mom, made us spam burgers when I was younger, because we had
a large family of 12. yep I said 12. Ten  kids and 2 adults.  Needless to say, you
know mom had  to cut curves to stretch out the meal and spam being in the
top 10. Always made it too our table.

 There are many variations on eating this SPAM meat, if you would be brave enough
to call it such. Your can dice it up and put it into just about anything. Potatoes, macaroni
cabbage, or rice. And even a topper for salad.You can bake it, fry it, broil, and boil ( of
course the boiling I would just skip all together) This SPAM is dern near closest to a
bacon I ever tasted! Slice this baby up  and broil it, wow. I am considered a connoisseur
of this delectable treat.
If your a honest to goodness meat eater, then this might not appeal to you, so go ahead
and  feel free too exit stage left now.

 So while I am in the kitchen prepping this bad baby ( which is good) we
are safe to say, it really is not that bad. You can add what ever spices you like
to it, cheese being the number one topper.  It is the simplicity of the meal that
simple reminds me of my mothers hard work she put into making sure her children
were fed, even if it meant the "SPAM" meal. Even if she made it 10 different ways.
She was a clever woman. So as I sit an eat this, I shall have a tear and a smile and
thank my mother for loving me enough to fed me with what ever she could afford.
 May you one day just try this SPAM maybe, and just maybe you
might like it"maybe", Many blessings Till the morrow