

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Friday, April 2, 2021

Rock Crock Grill Stone

 Pampered Chef Rock Crock Grill Stone is truly amazing. for perfect pizza

on the  but it doesn't there!  It can make those full breakfast grilled veggies. 

It is very durable made clay and can stand super high heat  making it great

for every cooking method like grill, oven, broiler, large stove tops and yes

even in the microwave. This is my favorite go to pan for everything and it

will be your favorite pizza stone as well.

It handle 752 degrees wow, ready to use  with no pre season needed. It is

safe for the freezer, light weight and dishwasher safe. 

A wonderful magical investment you will be happy to own.

Check out my link to shop.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 It's March 2021 already and were all still fighting the war on

COVID 19. In the midst of it all, that little bug is trying to not 

only kick our arses', and put a big damper on hope, faith and the

amazing positivity we all need to function in this world. 

But still a lot of the population around the world is not giving

up this amazing battle so easy. Building a network of vigilant

prayer warriors, drawing closer to their families, making time 

for each other. Learning to cope on another level in this life is

quite the challenge. And yes their are those of us who intend on 

putting on the  armor of God to fight.

Being positive is ever so important. It can a persons who outlook

for their day. This vibe of energy is so strong if you really look 

at it. Positive is good. Positive is helpful. Positive brings light into

a group of sad faces. Positive understands. Positive lifts you up.

Positive is a grand thing to own.  Positive is worth sharing as much

as you can. Positive is definitely a life saver. 

And for those who wish to go the negative way, all negative will

happen. Nothing good happens. It is very sad.

Positive may not save your physical body in a since, but then again

it can. It can save your soul, that which brings you inner peace. 

Is this virus a test? In my opinion yes it . Maybe we all just need to

slow down in this life and see what is really important. See who is 

actually around us. Technology is brain washing us. As with anything 

in life it can be addicting and a big distraction from those who are around

us, even our family members.  

Choose being positive, it will seriously change a lot. God is my main focus

in life He helps me to see the light of positivity and I share that light on 

people where ever I go. So I challenge you t do the same, Share the positives 

in your life, and watch things bloom and grow.

Till the morrow

God Bless