

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

SPAM it Up

So the American kinda meat for today is the beloved "SPAM" . Of course not a  lot
of people are into spam, but for the most,yes. You either like or you don't.
I dare not say you will ever find this on the well to do table. It is a poor mans
meat. My mom, made us spam burgers when I was younger, because we had
a large family of 12. yep I said 12. Ten  kids and 2 adults.  Needless to say, you
know mom had  to cut curves to stretch out the meal and spam being in the
top 10. Always made it too our table.

 There are many variations on eating this SPAM meat, if you would be brave enough
to call it such. Your can dice it up and put it into just about anything. Potatoes, macaroni
cabbage, or rice. And even a topper for salad.You can bake it, fry it, broil, and boil ( of
course the boiling I would just skip all together) This SPAM is dern near closest to a
bacon I ever tasted! Slice this baby up  and broil it, wow. I am considered a connoisseur
of this delectable treat.
If your a honest to goodness meat eater, then this might not appeal to you, so go ahead
and  feel free too exit stage left now.

 So while I am in the kitchen prepping this bad baby ( which is good) we
are safe to say, it really is not that bad. You can add what ever spices you like
to it, cheese being the number one topper.  It is the simplicity of the meal that
simple reminds me of my mothers hard work she put into making sure her children
were fed, even if it meant the "SPAM" meal. Even if she made it 10 different ways.
She was a clever woman. So as I sit an eat this, I shall have a tear and a smile and
thank my mother for loving me enough to fed me with what ever she could afford.
 May you one day just try this SPAM maybe, and just maybe you
might like it"maybe", Many blessings Till the morrow

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Waffles for Dinner

Cauliflower Waffle with Turkey Bacon & Cheese 

 I am sure this has been thought of before.
But it came  to me the morning after I had
made "mock" cauliflower mashed potatoes
last night.
My mamma use to make potato pancakes the
day after, after, so I thought this would be the
same. Except I wish to put these in the waffle
maker I had. BTW time to get a new one.
I did wait till the next night to make these
yummy waffles.
With an added touch of shredded sharp cheddar
cheese, not only inside but some on the top.
A dollop of sour cream and scallions with
some chunky salsa always does the trick.
I had plenty of leftovers too, good thing about
these is you may freeze them. I separate each
one with wax  paper and place individually in
zip lock bags.  Thaw when ready about 20
minutes then pop in toaster or  warm in oven
with tinfoil.

Cauliflower  is such an amazing vegetable. There can be many uses for it today.
Especially for those watching their carbohydrate intake and sugar. Eating healthy
is a great advantage to us. It helps our immune system stay strong. It makes us feel
so much better and have more energy.

In this recipe I used Almond Meal  instead of All purpose. Mamma use to
use AP flour to hold her potatoes together when making her tater pancakes.
Since I had not yet mastered the art of using chick pea juice as an alternative
substitute for eggs I just used farm fresh eggs laid by my friends chickens.
Till the morrow, God bless.

Cauliflower Waffles with Turkey Bacon & Cheese 

2 -Cups  Your left over cauliflower mashed "mock" potatoes
2- Large Brown eggs
1/4-1/2- Cup Ground Flax Meal
1/2 Cup- Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
3- slices Cooked Turkey Bacon in pieces
2-  Diced Individual Pieces Scallions
1/4 Cup  Minced Garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste

Mix all together. If more meal is needed  ( I used 1/4) but you might need
as much as a 1/2 cup.  to bind add a little extra at a time. Measure out in
1/3 measuring cup to buttered waffle iron.
Place mixture in Middle of iron. Press down and cook about 4-5 minutes
continue till all mixture is done.
Top with sour cream and chives and a little salsa too . I like Salsa
PS: this should make about about 5 medium waffles or 3 large waffles.

Net Carbs  2.4 grams

Nutrition Facts
Calories  148.5                     Cal from fat 96
Fat  10.7g                             
Carbohydrates  5.4g
Fiber 3g
Protein  8.5g

Southern Hometown Gurl

Hey there again,
So today I decided to give another intro to mwah (me) or self. As it
were, along time a go in a far away land( not really) well unless your
from the UK or farther, then yes. Oh back to the story. Yes I was born.
In a tiny town called West Palm Beach. I was the middle child , I am
number #5 of Ten. Kinda sounds like a movie or something right?
I won't go into great detail now, but i have 6 others sisters and 3 brothers.
And we lived in a 4 bedroom house with both parents. My step father
was a military man so he had all things figured out in reference to the
arrangements on the bed. All bunch beds and those nasty ( i hated ) MC
itchy blankets. Makes me cringe to this day. But they did keep us warm.
House full of kids and Mamma kept us busy with chores.
The thing  I love most about my Mamma was her endless unconditional
love for us and yes her yummy baking. All from scratch. Nothing is
better than your mamma's love in a recipe that she gives you.
So for this reason I have always except in an emergency I make from
scratch cakes, pies, breads. You name it. No so much a fancy cake designer
not into fondant at all, just a nice looking cake with the best taste ever.
Some friends post" i just made this cake and it doesn't look fancy" I say
hell yeah, those are the best kind. Someone might not remember what your
cake looks like BUT they will remember how it tasted.

So today lets just for a southern classic a Pineapple Upside down  Cake

 Of course the original way is to make in a
black iron skillet with lots of brown sugar on
the bottom.
I decided to go Bundt cake style for this instead.
Only because my hands are not so strong. Its good
to fancy it up sometimes.
 This southern gal is def not in the fast lane anymore,
like i never was really LOL. If MPH was a rating on the
human fast lane I guess I was only a  70 mph and now I
am a 45 mph.
Steady sailing.  I also added a twist on this delightful cake
by doing the poke cake method. Then I drizzles pineapple
sauce down the holes, so the juices could permeate the inside
of this cake. Nare a dry spot in this baby. 
I like to eat a cake or food that makes you raise your eyebrows
upon eating and saying OMGEE rolling your eyes this is
(exaggerating) soooooooo gooood.

Needless to say the baking continues in my new apartment. I get orders from those
who share my love of from scratch recipes. Recipes of any kind will always get a thumbs
up if you put the whole effort into making them. Dicing, chopping, sifting, rising, hours
of preparation. A guarantee you will not have any leftovers.

So happy baking to you all and yes i will be back on the morrow Many Blessings

Monday, June 8, 2020

Home Work in PJ's

Are kids so lucky right now?  Being lazy and not getting up
to go to school. No," I missed the bus again" or why do I have
to go to school? Now they get to stay home in their PJ's & sleep
in for a while. All this talk about homework right?
 Well, what I am talking about is a different kind of home work.
The kind that us parents get to do right now , at home in our
own p'j's . We get to work from home. Attend those Zoom meetings
in p'j's &  a dress blazer. Typing away your bosses statistic reports
with a pound of curlers in your hair, while rocking the baby on your
hip cleaning up spilt soup on the floor, seems a whole lot more fun
yes? LOL. Now really, no one knows better than you how life is at
your own house more that you. Just to do the regular home work on
top of your kids own home work, seems quite exasperating.
Being home right now and working to provide for your family is
not relaxing, well unless you by yourself. it might be just a little bit
more relaxing

For the now we can proclaim our title and feel like this pic above, this
is the way to feel because we deserve it yes? We work hard whether we
go to the "actual" work or stay home. Home work whether business work
'or actual work,you have to do around your house. It is still home work.
So go ahead &  work in your jammies, reward yourself for doing a great
job and dern it , give yourself  employee of the month.  You deserve it. 

That Question of Fear

Today in the long list of reading the Face Book notifications I came across
my  friends Andrea's post that said this?

Good question right? I mean logical.  Does that mean right this minute?
or yet does it mean from your past? I guess it really does not matter in
this, because the question is What would you (I) do if you (I) weren't
As we all are fighting a common fear right now called the COVD-19
and death, losing our income, how will one survive this lasted challenge
the world has given us? A good question. Over coming would be the "fear"
Not letting the fear take over us. Claim the victory of fear and claim your
stand in the fight( what ever that would be) to be in control. It is o.k to be
afraid, don't get me wrong. We are human. But to conquer that fear is such
a empowering feeling. We have the ability to control our fears, no matter
what they are. Some are more challenging than others. Some fears we must
take a while to conquer and them some right away. As Barney Fife (from
the Andy Griffith Show)  use to say " nip it in the bud".
And as this question asks. what would I do if I were not afraid?. I think for
myself , definitely would be more confident and brave about things. Heck I
might even go zip lining. Of course being courageous would not evolve into
being overbearing. We can still be cool and collective. Fear is a BIG word.
It is a very much part of our lives. Oh if we could be like little children and
be learning to walk. No fear they just go and when they fall they might cry
for a second because fear scared them , but then up and there they go again
forgetting what had just scared them.
Thank you to my friend who thought of a very inquiring question. Whom I
do hope she will gets lots of answers to her question.Of course for me My
would be the above as I said, but one thing i hate and fear the most is a
ugly spider, heck burn the house down. yep LOL.
So the question my friend Andrea  asked I hope will linger in someones mind to be a bit
more brave. To stand up and try again, and that is all that matters yes?
Not letting fear win. Thank you Andrea for asking  the question & letting our
brains work to think.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

CaRona 19- Quarantine

OK so hear is the low down on this CaRona Chick- 19. She does not care who
you are , how old or young. She is a she devil who wants to attack you with all
of her long nails. Rona has been around for quite some time according to all
the history I have been reading, and just like the flu virus( btw  is totally not) it
has different strands. Comes from different breeds of people and or animals
Carona  is named by its shape first of all. Like a crown.  If you think of it as many
rulers wore crowns and they were evil for the most part. Killing many people is
apart of the so called "crowns" of the world fashion.
All this is my opinion so please do not quote me.
Quarantined since the beginning of March 2020. Me being  into the bio-hazard ,
steam punk style with a side of  cyber. Who knew this might be a total world
Of course most of the mask are boring, but they are working their way into
the fashion side, With matching head gear and face mask. future realms of
this virus in my opinion is a far cry from over.
 It will go away and leave peoples minds like a faint fart only to reappear
at a later date and maybe even kill more, because people naturally forget
and go on without even  preparing for yet  another calamity.
 I think NOT. this is time that we are being prepped for more to come, OR if
you will a trilogy of COVID-19. Gollum will definitely be talking in the 3rd
person but really to everyone. The "crown" if you will , will be the " precious". 

Times like these are sad  yes, but good also. Many people are realizing (hopefully)
that their family is ever so more important. Maybe they will see that that actually
have a family, maybe talk to each other more, listen and spend the quarantine quality
time doing something as a family. I know that is not true for a lot of folks out their,
but one can hope. This COVID-19 has to be an eyeopener for everyone. Crime has gone
down. smog is lifted, people are smiling more. Why must we always have such drastic
circumstances to strike us all? Even in biblical times  the people would act up, get crazy
and then the Lord has to get out his belt. Ye,s we humble ourselves for a tiny bit like
children do and behave for a while and guess what. We be bad a gain. Lessons are
not learned. Funny how life just repeats it'self over and over. But the one thing is
yes the end is near.
The world is tired of people being in it's belly. It is tired of all the BS, hate, deceit,
murder, pride. That word alone covers mostly everything. Like Gollum this is a constant
battle, will these " precious " attributes of a sinful world take us over? Yes, it will 
because we allow it to. 
So maybe we will get back on track again for a little while. Maybe most of us will wake
up, smell the coffee and make better choices. Listen to the God in heaven when he speaks
and continue to strive to do good instead of evil. Corona 19 has us all by the tails.
We need to stand up and take charge once again over that eveil virus called Satan which
has named this evil virus.
Until then we can look fashionable and pray we will overcome, we will defeat and come off