

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Ice-Cream a Homemade Delight

IF any one out there loves ice cream then this,  is the recipe  for you.
Speaking from my stand point, I cannot do dairy except certain kinds
that are processed differently. Also sugar, in the lowest forms are a plus
in my kitchen. So when I  came across this recipe on the net I had to try
it. And yes I saved it in a folder named "Honey I'm Vegan" on my ever
so addicting Pinterest Account.  Here is the link if you wish to pop
in and see

 This recipe  called for only two   ingredients but I made it into four . It is called

                                         Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream

These are my ingredients. I like to make mention that I do let my bananas get very
brown in the freezer. I use them also for my protein shakes. 

Does not matter if ice is on them, that will just add texture to what ever your making.
In this case, ice-cream and protein shakes  it makes them a perfect creamy & frothy

I love using PB fit Powdered Peanut
Butter.  Low in sugar  and carbohydrates
and taste very delicious. Companies add
so much sugar into a lot of our foods that when we cut it out of our diets things do not taste so good. But this is very delightful. 

 CALIFA  toasted coconut/almond milk
is dairy free, sugar free, gluten free, and soy free,  besides low saturated fats with as little as only 45 calories. You could go CALIFA  plain at the same and only 35 calories but i love this taste of coconut and almonds.  You might want to check what stores sell it in your area. Publix  Market Place here is great, also The Leaf Health Food store also. Harvey's Supermarket  had it to my surprise, so do some research.

 If you can get pure honey, USA made from local farmers
that is a plus. Knowing there is a war on "real"
honey in the states is quite interesting. If you like
documentaries, then watch a show called "Rotten" on
Netflix it explains more about honey & protecting bee's.
We need to watch as consumers,who want the real thing.
Best bet is to have the hives inside. I want to thank all the
bee's who work so hard at pollinating and making tasty
honey for us all to enjoy. 

 My choice is the Nutri Ninja  2 in 1 Blender & Food Processor. 
The speed on this machine grinds up even the stems so 
you get the full  amount of vitamins you need.

Dice up frozen bananas
Add 1/2 bananas and 1/2 milk

 Pulse till almost smooth. Then add rest of ingredients 

                                  Should be very thick 

Pour into air tight container

Freeze for 4 hours. 

A light creamy frozen treat

Add a little powdered Peanut Butter
top with a slice of banana & drizzles

Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream 
4   Frozen Diced Medium Bananas
   4   Tablespoons PB fit Powdered Peanut Butter
3   Tablespoons Water
1   Tablespoon Pure Honey
1/2 Cup  Califa Toasted Coconut/Almond Milk

Dice frozen bananas. Place 1/2 in food processor and 1/2 of Milk and blend till smooth.
Then  add water to powdered peanut butter and mix. Add rest  peanut butter, honey and
milk  and frozen bananas to food processor. Blend till smooth, About 3 minutes.
Place in sealed container and freeze for 4 hours. But it can be eating right away
at this point. Serve with a sprinkle ow powdered peanut butter on top , a piece of
sliced banana and drizzles of honey. Enjoy

 Thank you for tuning into my Recipe today. Hope you enjoy it. Please feel
free to comment and let me know how you liked it.
Till the morrow and Many Blessings

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