Today's lesson is all about that base. No, not Megan Trainor, though I do love, love her cat wisps. Makeup, shmaykup.
What is all the hoopla about it anyway? Well ,let me say
its the most important thing like ever since the birth of
color. I came out of the womb demanding my makeup.
Have you had anyone tell you" today you cannot wear makeup"? I have been told that on quite a few occasions.
And, I must say I really do give them a double take in
a "how dare you ask me to to go naked" look. I have even argued with the Doctors on this evil question. I have to look
my best. What if, I was to like die on the table? I so could save
the mortuary dude a lot of time on my makeup job.
There not gonna do it like I usually do. This sums up only my eyes so far.
I am not knocking anyone who wishes to take their own life
into their own hands by not wearing any makeup, BUTT
Really, for women who love makeup, that above is
simply never an option. It's inconceivable. Might be
just me, but yeah this is true. I love makeup so much
that even my Birthday was made like makeup, thanks
to my wonderful sister in-law
My Cake |
My Birthday Makeup Cake |
I am dedicated to makeup. It is up there with my daily
duties of eating and the 3-SSS. Even so this ritual is
not as consuming as it used to be, ( I say because
I am a pro at it by now) I cannot go out into the world
unless I am wearing my makeup. One reason especially
is that I have a condition called Alopecia. This is a condition
that does not let your hair grow back, one of which is my eyebrows. I did use to have eyebrow hair, but then life's challenges decided to attack my eyebrows. I am jelly of women who do have them and yet still add eyebrow pencil to theirs or
have them tattooed to great looking eyebrows. But if you just want a certain shape then I understand. Each person can absolutely do in the makeup area what makes you happy.
I am getting ready. I think that life might give me a grade
on my makeup job right! It might. I am really for those
who have natural beauty, but if you have seen what I look
like with no eyebrows, well lets just say I am from an alien nation. My skin is very fair. So even the lightest color
of foundation is dark.
I hear this line all the time. Thank you for that comment
but your wrong! Ahh yeah I do need makeup. Otherwise
I will have no face. So the quote" wait till I put my face on" is very true. Dude really I have to put my face on.
There is no such thing as a makeup case, well unless it's a story then it's a case , but in this"case" it is not. It is 7 draws of
makeup. I still think I need a new draw set, but then I will have to fill them up. I swear to myself, you don't need anymore.
Don't buy anymore. But then this happens
I know, your laughing because you know you do this
too. I have just found a few months back an awesome
lipstick called "True Mattee" how brilliant. They have
some pretty cool colors and they last quite a while.
Happy shopping on these babies and they are in a great
price range to boot. I happen to find these in Dollar General
The end of my blog is near so I shall mention just a few more things. One which is is dangerous. That movie called a Christmas Story where they say " you'll shoot your eye out"
lets add some women to that picture and add mascara. When putting on mascara is a dilemma. Watch out or you will poke your eye out. It is the next to the last thing I put on before I head out the door. My makeup can be all done and then I poke myself in the eye.
Great, now my makeup is messed up. Because I have
put on waterproof eyeliner and mascara. I can't just wipe
it off. I have to use makeup remover ,which in turn will off balance my other makeup. Why is eyeliner and mascara water proof by not tear proof? Obviously a women needs to make this happen . Anyway so when you poke yourself in the eye that freaking hurts, really and then you tear up which in turn now is this.
Now if I was going to go somewhere, that is not gonna happen anytime soon, because I will have to wash off this palate and start fresh. That's just how it is. This makeup case has it ups and downs. Smudges and pokes. Tears, heat, allergies and much more. is it worth it? YES! It is what it is. My advice is to be who you want to be , with or without makeup. Own yourself like a boss and walk that walk. Because your own approval is the only thing that is necessary.
Till the Morrow, Many Blessings
Cat |