

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Drawing Up a Game Plan

Once you have made up your mind to do Low Carb,  in this case that is
what I am doing, but it can work for any life change commitment  that
your making.
As I mentioned in the previous blog you will need a game plan. By this
first you need to study your plan. Read up on what, it is all about. How
you need to prepare yourself on the rules of this change.
Off the road for a minute, there are some people who have done the
Atkins Weight Loss thinking  hey I can eat ALL the meat I want too,
but alas that is kinda true but not all the way. You still have to watch your
intake of what type of meat .Most meats have added sugar and nitrates which
you need to stay away from.
Back on the subject of your game plan.  You must be writing all this down.
First make a list. like such.
A. As with any life change you make, Check with your Doctor first
     to see if your gonna be ok to start this change, especially
     with weight loss & exercise

1. Buy information related to your change
2. Read it and study it front to back
3>Decide on short term goals  & write them down
4: Decide on long term goals and write them down
5: Decide what exercises will be best for you.
6: Decide which type of exercise you will doing
     at first and what ones you will work up.
Exercise is so very important with any new diet change change
do let others fool into thinking it is not important, nor to just
pop a pill and hey your lost 50 lbs , Lets get on the reality band
wagon people. They want you to waste your money on them
instead of yourself.

These will be the best decisions of the start of your journey.
The road will not be easy first. Yeah you heard that phrase
" Rome was not built in a day" and neither were you. So it will
take some time to take it off or change. A very big commitment
should always be on your plate.

Do not let others drag you down with negativity once you have
set your game plan into action. If no one near you wants to support
you or join you on a new journey do not be discouraged. There are plenty
of internet places you can join to help keep you on task , give you ideas,and
help you, if your on a plateau.

Let me know what you have decided for yourself or goals you will be making
for your future and or your life change for you and your whole family. America
strong and healthy is a very thing to have.
Show me your Game Plan

Till the morrow

I will be making a LOW CARB Smoothie. 

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