I watch my friends do this or hear about others doing this. So this is my view on the subject.
When a person is making this phrase " I am going to "TRY" and quit smoking in my opinion
has already defeated the purpose from the beginning. When you try and do this your heart is
really saying " not really" . Your not making that commitment to yourself. And then to top it
off you keep those cigarettes available "just in case " you might need them.
Common now get real. You have not decided really to quit ,but in fact have tried to make
others around you happier by saying that. Which in reality your just going to make them more
mad at you, & call you a liar.
It's ok to admit that you are weak. You know it is going to be hard. Harder than anything, But
if you do not commit yourself from the beginning, you are going to set yourself up for failure.
I see they have a fake cigarettes now. You can blow fake smoke so it does not bother anyone.
But if you read the small print you can still get addicted to them. That does not make any since at
all? Why would any person want to replace one addiction for another? Your still holding a cigarette
in your hand & blowing smoke just like a cigarette. Might as well just smoke a real one. NOT!
All this is , is to recondition your brain from a pattern that you made for your self or a routine you
have been accustomed to. Think about it. YOU have trained yourself to smoke. Then you train
yourself to smoke after you eat, or after a show,with drinking, while in the bathroom.
Then you train yourself to smoke in your car or you take smoke breaks with your friends at work
or where ever. Even if you just smoked a cigarette & your friend or family member says" I need a cig
come & smoke with me" you just do it. Why?
You know the dangers. It does not bother you to see gross lungs on a pack of cigarettes you just don't care.
That is your business. I am not hear to preach but rather try to understand the phrase of I am going to
try and quit.
You have to make up your mind that you need to say " I AM QUITTING SMOKING" just think about it.
You have made a solid decision to quit. No more. Get rid of everything, ashtrays,butts,cigarette lighters,posters, coffee mugs ( if you have them) shirts etc you get my drift. If you make a solid statement then just do it. You have to retrain your body to do something else that is better. You must be willing
to commit to yourself to do this. I say cold turkey. Yes it is frighting, yes you will have with-drawls, yesyes ,you know this BUT, you can do it, if you make up your mind to do it. Never say "trying to quit" because
if you say that your only fooling yourself & taking the trust that you have with loved ones and making the
cigarettes more important than them. Be honest with yourself.
Don't set your self up to bragging because if you fail then you just feel more crappy about yourself . You
know you will.
Excuses! Yeah you have many. I have heard a lot. The biggest one is " it helps my nerves"! Maybe in
your own mind it does, but really you just need to substitute it for something that can actually help your
nerves. What about making an investment into vitamins? Food antioxidants can do wonders you know.
Any way I am giving you my own opinion of your own words, to really believe in yourself enough to make that commitment to your own self to say the words and mean them " I Quit" really.
I shall now give my own opinion of a cigarette thought IF you are a religious person:
You still have the same phrase you know. But I was thinking one day of why? You believe
in demons and such. Well here is a food for thought. Remember when Jesus Christ was on the
mountain & he was rebuking the legion of demons out of the man, which in turn left him &
jumped into the pigs? Which being 6000 because 6000 is considered a legion? Don't quote me
perfect as I am not a scholar. I remember somewhat of this story growing up.
Any way I take it that the body is a Temple of God. and we must always try our best to keep it
clean & keep those nasty devil/demons away from us because it only causes more chains on our
ankles. Mother earth is wonderful BTW, she is positive and wants all to be happy whenever possible.
Anyways here is my story in reference to the cigarettes. Think of each pack of cigarette as a individual
follower Satan. Each pack/demon has his or her own name such as:
1. Marlboro, Winston, Carlton, Virginia Slims
Newport, Camel, Kent, Pall Mall, Vice-Roy, Salem
2. Each demon/pack has its own clan, that which is 20 other followers of this one demon
any of the above.
3. So now you have just put the Demon " Salem head of his clan of 20 other demons inside
of your body by inhaling them, make since?
4. So if you smoke 2 clans,(pks) of lets say Kent then you have just put 40 demons inside of your Temple.
5. So lets do the math
2 pks/clan each day = 40 demons X 7 days = 240 Demons X 30 days = 960 demons a
month X 12 mnths = 11,532 ( big number huh? )
So now you have almost put inside your body 2 legions of demons. No wonder it is hard to quit.
So the best thing to cast out these Demons is call the Master to help. But you will need reinforcements
because this is a very big clan. Persistence in prayer & fast prayers will make them all have to leave
and so called find somewhere else to go so they can jump off of a cliff and die.Don't let the demon whom has a name & it's followers tell you lies because they will.
It's not funny to think of it this way. I do not know why I even thought of it, maybe a higher being let me
help my friend to Quit and it has been 20 years and still going. So if you are a believer of this I insist
that you heed these thoughts and apply them to your person/persons.
And if you find the courage within yourself to brave the habit you have made I send blessings your way and much confidence to succeed.
May you send me your success story of overcoming your habit I would be glad to smile for you.
Blessed Be & thank you for reading my blog
Till the morrow
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