

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

CaRona 19- Quarantine

OK so hear is the low down on this CaRona Chick- 19. She does not care who
you are , how old or young. She is a she devil who wants to attack you with all
of her long nails. Rona has been around for quite some time according to all
the history I have been reading, and just like the flu virus( btw  is totally not) it
has different strands. Comes from different breeds of people and or animals
Carona  is named by its shape first of all. Like a crown.  If you think of it as many
rulers wore crowns and they were evil for the most part. Killing many people is
apart of the so called "crowns" of the world fashion.
All this is my opinion so please do not quote me.
Quarantined since the beginning of March 2020. Me being  into the bio-hazard ,
steam punk style with a side of  cyber. Who knew this might be a total world
Of course most of the mask are boring, but they are working their way into
the fashion side, With matching head gear and face mask. future realms of
this virus in my opinion is a far cry from over.
 It will go away and leave peoples minds like a faint fart only to reappear
at a later date and maybe even kill more, because people naturally forget
and go on without even  preparing for yet  another calamity.
 I think NOT. this is time that we are being prepped for more to come, OR if
you will a trilogy of COVID-19. Gollum will definitely be talking in the 3rd
person but really to everyone. The "crown" if you will , will be the " precious". 

Times like these are sad  yes, but good also. Many people are realizing (hopefully)
that their family is ever so more important. Maybe they will see that that actually
have a family, maybe talk to each other more, listen and spend the quarantine quality
time doing something as a family. I know that is not true for a lot of folks out their,
but one can hope. This COVID-19 has to be an eyeopener for everyone. Crime has gone
down. smog is lifted, people are smiling more. Why must we always have such drastic
circumstances to strike us all? Even in biblical times  the people would act up, get crazy
and then the Lord has to get out his belt. Ye,s we humble ourselves for a tiny bit like
children do and behave for a while and guess what. We be bad a gain. Lessons are
not learned. Funny how life just repeats it'self over and over. But the one thing is
yes the end is near.
The world is tired of people being in it's belly. It is tired of all the BS, hate, deceit,
murder, pride. That word alone covers mostly everything. Like Gollum this is a constant
battle, will these " precious " attributes of a sinful world take us over? Yes, it will 
because we allow it to. 
So maybe we will get back on track again for a little while. Maybe most of us will wake
up, smell the coffee and make better choices. Listen to the God in heaven when he speaks
and continue to strive to do good instead of evil. Corona 19 has us all by the tails.
We need to stand up and take charge once again over that eveil virus called Satan which
has named this evil virus.
Until then we can look fashionable and pray we will overcome, we will defeat and come off