It is nice to just find an unexpected heart where ever I seem to go. This pretty red leaf had fallen on the hood of the car. Is this a small sign from God above that he is sending a temporal heart to lil ole me? I would like to think so.
It seems that while I am out and about doing something I come across a heart. I think those are the best kind, the one's you are not looking for ,and they just appear.
Whether you believe in the God above or not , it always puts a
big smile across your face, followed by the big "WOW" look
what I just found. Maybe a special angel assigned to grab hearts for the day and send them to people.
Short but sweet a heart is always a sign of love. It can take you
out of a sad place and always make it better. As for me I will
continue not looking for a heart, I like just finding them from
nowhere, where ever I happen to be at.
May you find a heart and smile and share it with someone else.
Till the morrow, many blessings.
Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me and those who diligently
find me.
1 John 4:19
We love each other because he loved us first.
We love each other because he loved us first.