

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Sometimes I really think that I was born into the wrong era. All
of theses amazing colors of hair and fashion are right up my
alley. But who says I cannot enjoy them just the same no matter
what. So I do. 
I know that there are many colors to choose from. I feel like a
child in a candy store. This is so exciting.  My favorite color
is BLUE. But then the teal or aqua is right beside me also.
An oober amount of decision making. 
I have looked into many wigs and have compiled quite a 
few choices. These are from Japan. They have great prices
and all are from the Cosplay type which are really cool.
So here is me with Blue hair and few other wigs that I plan
to buy in the near future.
Lets see you in  blue hair fashion, and lets move the world.

Till the morrow;   Blue is awesome

this has both aqua & blue which is adorable
such a cute style

Love the 3 tone color in the back

like the color green of this one , not to dark or bright

LOVE this style and color, light colors on top brings out the youthful

Aww Shucks

Have you wondered which way would be the best for grilling those
corn on the cobs you have bought? Have I got an idea for you.
   For a long time i use to eat my corn just boiled. And on occasion
I still do. But this all changed while I was at a Fair one weekend.
I saw this really long line and wondered what was making it so long.
What was everyone waiting for? So I decided too join this line and
find out for myself.
   Too my amazement after 45 minutes I was close to the front of
the line and I saw 6 men at a grill. Each being 3 on each side standing.
Then they all worked together lifting up this grill and flipping it over.
and you guessed it, they had corn on it. While these batches were 
grilling they would pull down the shucks of the already cooked corn,
dip it in a huge vat of butter and give you napkins & then we gave them 
$3.00 bucks. 
   O.K. so whats so amazing about corn? I thought? Till I took a bite.
It was awesome!! So since that day I have grilled my corn on the cob

   My best way of  grilling corn is let the whole corn soak in 
just plain water for 30 minutes. Then place each corn in on a piece
of tinfoil and wrap tightly. Place on the grill ( I use charcoal)  that is 
500 -600 degrees, turn every ten minutes till done. Which is about 45 
minutes to an hour. Once done, I like to take the tin foil off , place corn
on grill again and let some of the shucks brown. Even if we peel them
off anyway, it adds a nice look to them.
So now you know how to grill corn. May your corn be an awesome
Grilled Corn   I own this Photo
for your taste buds 


   Summertime has officially began with first big bang of  Memorial Day
and things could not be any sweeter than a  nice cold watermelon.
   This delightful tasting fruit is a wonderful addition to any meal on a 
hot day. It is full of water and healthy so let the kids play or adults
and enjoy a slice or two.
   I am sure there are many different ways that one could make delightful
fruit even better. 
Till the morrow: Enjoy your watermelon
Fruit bowl with chopped watermelon.. :I own this photo

Watermelon delight,:  I own this photo

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Oatmeal grows Hair?

I do not know if oatmeal grows hair, but in my life it seems
to be doing just that.  I kinda put two and two together when
I was growing up. My hair seemed to grow much faster than
my sisters hair. I asked myself why? What am I doing different
than they are?  I ate oatmeal every day. They did not.
   Of course I do not think they believed me, but I had to stick
with my own rationalization, that it did grow my hair.
   Over the years I got tired of oatmeal and did not eat it so much.
I paid no attention, but my hair did not grow as fast as it usually
did when I ate oatmeal everyday. Besides they say it is good
for your heart & can lower cholesterol, that area I have no problem
in either. Yeahh!

   I know that oatmeal is not only a great tasting food
for breakfast, but it has many helpful uses to it's
name . It is considered heart healthy,
It helps with itching, like chicken pox or poison ivy, 
so fill your tub up and take an oatmeal bath.
   Also can help with acne. Just cook oatmeal and let it
cool. Spread it over your problem area of skin and
let sit for 15 minutes. Oatmeal can absorb oil and
bacteria from the skin and also exfoliate it. This helps
conquer the acne.
   Lately I had been losing some hair for no reason. So
I am making sure I have oatmeal everyday. This seems
to be helping again, because my hair quit falling out.
   Does oatmeal really help hair grow? I do not know
But as for me and my own experience, I say a happy yes

Till the morrow. Eat a bowl of oatmeal

Thanks Quaker being apart of my life always

My favorite way to eat oatmeal is with raisins


Satan is in my Frig.

Actually in my opinion he is. And in the form of " International Delight"
Iced Coffee.  I have vowed not to drink coffee. It is against my religion.


 Did you know that  624 million cups of coffee are consumed each a day.
That is about 3 cups per coffee drinker in the United States alone, where
83 percent of adults can't imagine there life without there favorite cup
of Java.
Some known facts about caffeine is that it is addictive. That is because
it is a stimulant. It also is not good for people who have high blood
 pressure ,diabetes, and osteoporosis. Also caffeine does not mix  
well with other  medications. It can also make insomnia, anxiety and
 heartburn , and  hot flashes worse.
So God is pretty smart at saying this is not a good thing to put into our
own bodies. Our body is a temple.
I see how Satan works tempting us to do wrong. That is his main job.
He wants you to see how pretty he can make Coffee or anything else
"appear " to be good, or beautiful, or wanting. Like the coffee in my frig.
Other people live in the house . They have free will. That is given to all.
I am not perfect by any means. I am always a work in progress. I have
drank coffee before and I did enjoy it, but now I have changed my ways.
does not mean Satan will  stop tempting me.
At times of weakness in any area, he can throw something at you. In this
case it is the "Internal Delight" in my frig. He is the biggest liar in this world.
I am glad that I have made  a solid decision in this area. 
I would like to challenge you in any area of your life that you are temped
to do that which is not good, to turn and walk away. To hold fast onto
God and pray for strength. You are the master of you and not Satan. He
cannot get you to do anything, unless you let him.
 I can do all things  through Christ which strengthens me

Till the morrow.  Say no to caffeine

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Vicks Out that Toenail Fungus

You know that time you have finally figured out that you have a
Toe Nail Fungus. Gross right?!  It is estimated that between 2%
and 14% of the populations can get this.
   When you wear socks and shoes, your feet sweat. This causes
a warm breeding ground for fungus.I am in that % rating. I have
had this for many years. I investigated and found out that it cost an
oober amount of money to get rid of it and months of taking this
medication is very bad on the liver.
   But to my delight when I found out that a simple cure is in store for
this gross fungus. I was very excited and  said humm?? Why not try it.
Home Remedies are always an investment in my book to help yourself.
   I should of took a "before" picture right when I started but I did not
think about blogging about it till now. Still have 1/2  to go on my toe.
   This magical curse seems to working so far, so I shall tell you what
it is. VICKS Vapo RUB. Yes! the kind you put on your chest for a
cold.  My big toe never got green, but the nail turned white. I always
keep my toe nails cut, but still it was there.
   I have been putting Vicks on my toe nail for 30 days now. It is gradually
getting back to it's own color.  I can't wait too see it when it is all normal
A new Hope

1/2 done - 30 days after treatment

Add some on a Q-Tip 

Rub onto nail twice a day

Thank goodness for Home Remedies

This only cost $4.98 for treatment verses
$400.00 dollars. Way better.

This way is 2.1/2 months verses 1.5 years. Yeah
you do the math.
Who knew VICKS would have so many wonderful uses for it. I am sure the Doctors who love to charge us lots us money. They are really not for homeopathic type remedies, it is shunned.

We have to start thinking for ourselves, become
more self reliant. Not depend on the Doctors so
much, only when we really need them.

Not saying doctors are not good, just
we can figure out how to take care of
What did they do a long time ago? For
the most part pretty good. Our parents
and extended relatives were pretty smart.

When I put this on at night I put a bandaid on my toe, so it will not rub off. Kinda helps your nose
if you got a cold, because the VICKS smell is
under the covers.

So make sure, if you know someone or you have
a toe fungus to pass this method along to them.
Make sure you do as directed & be faithful about
putting this on a nail. I can't promise if it will work
I guess depending on how bad the nail is,but you
can give it a try ,just like me.
Many blessings, till the morrow
Happy VICKS-ing

Monday, May 19, 2014

Fish for Breakfast

   Yes, that is exactly what I had for breakfast. My father was
a great fisherman when I was growing up. Our box freezer had
plenty of fresh fish  inside. He always lived by the "code". Which
worked out quite well for him.
   As a wee girl at the age of 5,
my Dad took me fishing. Of course at
the time I was very talkative. And the rod  was a cane pole.
   Never the less I still remember the red bobbin, popping
up and down in the water.
   So fish was a regular meal at our house. The famous meal
was fish and grits, with hush-puppies.
   Not only was my Dad great at  fresh water fishing, but ocean
fishing as well, crab fishing you name it. Those were the best
of times with my father, sitting next to him on the shore or those
three day excursions in the wide open sea.
   So this mornings delightful meal brings a wonderful smile on my
face as I eat it and think of all the many times my father and me
would be fishing. Thanks Dad for the memories.
Till the morrow. Happy fishing.

               "Fresh Salmon Croquet"



Shoe to the Pedal

   It is never to late to start exercising again. So I will be
riding my bicycle around town. Seems a bit more refreshing 
at the start of the day. Birds chirping, cool dampness still fills
the morning air. A new day, each day, ready to begin.
   Great thing about new days. If yesterday was not so good
for you, then you can start new.
    Goals are a great way to challenge yourself. I say " Never
give up, Never surrender". I always have used that quote from
a funny movie called " Galaxy Quest " with Tim Allen. No matter
how bad things were going for the crew of this ship, they never
gave up. A very good quote too live by and so shall I.
     I have my Helmet on and my bicycle is ready. Why don't you
give yourself a challenge and go for it. I promise it will be very
good for you. By the way if you ever get a chance to watch 
" Galaxy Quest " enjoy it  and lave lots of laughs.

Till the morrow. Good riding 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Jesus Can Help Me Climb

Does it seem that the road that you travel seems to go nowhere?
Each day passes with less hope than yesterday and yet here
you are again today? Stop and think. It is never to late for
you. It is time to take off those grave cloths. That means the
old way of thinking, old way of acting, old habits even those
old ways of talking. YOU can depend on God to help you
through what ever needs to be. This is called "faith". Faith
to believe in Jesus, faith in God to help you have that hope
back again. You can be-reborn, become a new person in
Nothing fascinates me more than seeing how much love 
our heavenly Father can give us and still does.  If your current
way of living is still not going anywhere, why not try Jesus for
a few months. Your heart and soul will be ever much happier for
such a wonderful decision. Give of service to others so that
your own burdens will be lightened. he can help.
I am glad that I have a relationship with my Heavenly Father,
it is more than just knowing he is there , it is understanding
him, learning about him.
Maybe you would like to know more & have that understanding
of such a wonderful person. Well you can certainly do this in any
State, City or Country you live in.
Feel free to visit  and they can help you to 
have that relationship with Christ.

Joyful Green

The day has finally arrived that I can see the progress on my
green beans that I had sprouted inside the house, then I 
transplanted them out doors. The rest of my crop did not
do so well ,as another frost came in when it was suppose 
to be the last frost of the season, but mother nature will do
what she wants to do.
I am proud to see some of the green beans finally making
an appearance for me.  Growing your own food gives you so
much of a greater pleasure of knowing "hey I grew this" and then
give a very happy grin. It is a wonderful accomplishment when they
have finally peeked all of the way which still will not be for another
30 days. 
May you have pleasure in growing your own food and giving it
to your family. Better yet start a community garden and invite all
to participate in it's abundance. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I decided to make this delightful dish a few nights ago. This wonderful
meal came from Louisiana, creole dish. You can make it with ham, chicken,
pork, sausage or any kind of  seafood. I simply made mine with Kielbasa
sausage and shrimp.
If you like a bit more kick to your Jambalaya then by all means
spice it up with more garlic, onions, and green peppers, and some Hot sausage.
Mmm, mmmm that is some cooking going on there.
Of course I had some help from ZATARAN'S  New Orleans Style
this is  a great help for people on the go,  or want to cook a meal in
25 minutes .
So go ahead and enjoy your Jambalaya, I know we will. Many blessings

                                                 I own theses photos
                                                 I own these photos
                                                 I own theses photos



I am a bit late,  but you know the  saying "better late than never "
Starting out this year with many challenges. They are small,  so
I am pretty sure I will be able to accomplish them, which is a
very good thing.
My most wonderful thing that I have been called to do in my Church
is to be the Relief Society Chorister. That is to be able to prayerfully
study each lesson and then pray and ask God's guidance to which
songs in the hymnal we are to sing.
But the most song that I am interested in is the "Practice  Song ".  This
song in my opinion is awesome. I am able to give the women in my class
a short history of whom the music was written by, 
I show them a picture  in hopes of making them pay more attention.
I think I would really like to make it kinda like singing time when we were
in primary when we were young. Oh how fun that was.
Who says that the adult practice singing time cannot be as much fun.  It
can still be reverent and we can all feel the spirit just the same. 
So this Sunday I shall make newspaper hats. Should be fun I hope.

I pray each each day my Heavenly Father directs me in the way I should go.
I am very honored to be a part of his church, I am proud to say I am a 
Latter Day Saint, and I look forward to working in his vineyard everyday.
All Praise to him who is the Savior of the world of whom I am everything 
with him and  nothing with out him.
I bear my testimony that Jesus is the Christ , he lives today and has
provided us all a way back home with the ultimate sacrifice. I love him very much
In the name of Jesus Christ... amen.