

I appreciate you dropping by to visit me. All in a days thinking is what I do. Earth and water elements are my journey. To help others realize the beauty in themselves.
To see outside of the box and admire the beautiful world. I hope to inspire those who feel touched and want to have a better day or even minute. So browse around. Thank you for visiting, leave a comment I would like to hear what you have too say. On this note I leave, till the morrow & Many Blessings

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Spirit

What a wonderful month too feel such a lovely spirit.. 
Everyone seems to be on the same page in happiness
that is. All seem to have a brighter smile.The reason for
the season is the most wonderful gift that was given
to everyone. A most blessed gift that no one could
ever top. Most of the world new of this gift by it's
total brightness in the sky in the form of a very big
star. His name shall be remembered and known by
everyone. Though all do not believe. His name is
Jesus Christ. He loves us all no matter who we are.
No matter what, he wants us all too succeed, to be
happy, to have good health. 
I want to thank God for sending his Son to us for
a gift. One that I shall cherish forever. One that I
humbly kneel with happiness at his feet, kiss them
for they are the feet of my brother Jesus Christ
who loves me unconditionally forever and ever.
I love my Heavenly Father, for it is he that gives
me strength and all  that is mine is his. 
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
May your Christmas be a very Blessed Day
Till the morrow

       Photo Credit to Holy Cross Lutheran Church Omaha, NE

Luke 2 : 7-20

 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
 10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
 15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
 16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
 17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
 18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
 19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
 20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Behind A Door

Behind a door there is a smile
That no one ever see's
A word that is spoken
But no one ever hears

Behind a door that's closed
Are the bolts that begin to rust
And when they brown, no eyes will look
No heart to care
A soul with in, behind that door
Behind a door has only walls
Cold to the touch, so I can breathe
A light from the bottom
As shadows pass by
Those scratches that I make
Are my inside braille
The world is closed
Behind a door, I hum
To my ears
Thinking my thoughts
So I may not fear
Behind a door a child locked
A woman grown, but really not
And behind a door I sit, I slide
Dreaming of a place while running
Without this wood full of splinters
Behind a door, wishes it would open
Just turn that knob
Just maybe, just maybe
I will not be broken
From behind a door

By Rebekah Owens
copyright @ 4/2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today is just what it is. What will you do with yours?
Sitting and enjoying the morning quiet, well except for the
the train horns. Challenging as it may seem today is just
a day. Till the night falls and it is dark. New stories of
some kind will appear. Maybe they will be happy ones
of success, inspiration, goals and accomplishments. Today
is maybe a smile that starts your day. And if not can you
turn it around and make it so?
Today is not yet tomorrow,except when tomorrow is here
it will yet again be today. A new day to start over, too
strive at a better you. Can you write about it with happiness
or sulk with a frown? Can you make it better? Today is
such a big word because you can fill it with so much.
Stretch forth not only your imaginations but your hands
to help. Today my friend is today, so what will you do
with yours?
Till the morrow & thanks for reading my Blog  :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pretty Flowers

Life seems to give us many chances at discovering what is
out in the world. It is only up to us all to take small notice
of them.
Color is a very favorite of mine. That of which I add to what
ever that I do or tend to find. These beautiful flowers happen
to being laying on the ground in the middle of nowhere.
They could of been flipped out of the delivery truck, or a
undesired flowers that someone got, that really did not want them.
Just the same they were found. so that makes a smile
on my face for at least a week or two. How pretty they are just
staring at me from the vase.

Mother nature again has giving me a little surprise. All colorful
and pretty. Funny how they are all the same flower, but with
color added to each one. Which in turn makes them more lively
to look at.

So an extreme closeup of these lovely ladies makes their beauty
shine even more.  Maybe you can find some small take notice
kind of thing on your daily duties of the day. No matter what it
may be. Beauty is in the beholders eyes. So  I did notice a little
ladybug sitting on one of the pedals when I took a photograph of
it. Hello bug, ha ha pleased to greet you.

As you sit and wonder what your day will bring, make sure
you smile. It  makes others wonder what your up too. Thanks
for reading my Blog as always. Till the morrow

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love of Pickles

How amazing are pickles? Well in my house they are a must.
On the average of 5 or more jars will be in the refrigerator.

A wonderful vegetable full of vitamin A,vitamin C
calcium and potassium to boot. Cucumbers are low
in calories and great for digestion. I love picking out
fresh cucumbers from the store. Whats better than that?
Growing them  of course.

Pickles can be eaten in a variety of ways, so this makes
such a great thing to have in your daily diet. Making a
wonderful pickle,onion & sprout sandwich on wheat-
berry bread makes a tasty lunch. Even just a plate for
a snack is pretty cool.

So I encourage you  too find the joys of eating pickles
so that you can see how truly tasty they can really be.
May mother nature give you her best of vegetables
and put a smile on your face. Blessed Be & thanks
for reading my blog. Till the morrow ..... eat well

Friday, February 10, 2012

No not the Same

Although there are many birds on a wire and they
all look the same,flutter the same and yes tweet
the same. But one must always be different than
the rest to stand out in the crowd. So that bird
would be me. No not the same as anyone else.

I like to stand and make others wonder why.
I am me and therefore I am not scared to  hang
upside down to the world. Unique is a smart
thing. I still tweet,flutter and fly, but all will notice
and say what is different. I am happy to be different
in my own style and so should you.
So find your place among the others and make it
your own. You will be glad you did.
Till the morrow & thanks for reading my blog :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


What better way on small occasion's  is to have a nice
warm home made cinnamon bun.
The scent is over whelming in the morning and
with that a nice cup of your favorite coffee yes?
So this is my picture of what I made & it
taste very nice.

May your day be very sweet & relaxing for you.
Blessed Be as always & thanks for reading my blog
till the morrow... ^..^

Monday, January 30, 2012

Wind in my thoughts

Wind in my thoughts as the sea calls to me.
A long pier with a short distance. Times like these
I remember well. Growing up around the ocean and it's
endless beauty. My dad always wanting to take me out
in the wee morning hours too see the sun rise.
The wind has this scent of sea salt and fish. Spending
3 days or more at a time in the big, big ocean.
Only not to see the shore. But snorting turtles surfacing from
beneath the waves. Quiet. The fishing lines ripping noises as the
boat  would turn, round and round for hours.
Funny how a pier brings back flashes of times with my
Dad and the ocean.
If things that you see, bring back memories of times well
spent. Happy thoughts that make you smile. Then nature
has done her job. Think good thoughts and smile. May
your memories be Blessed 100 fold & give you goosebumps.
Thanks for reading my Blog, till the morrow, till the morrow :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

IZ- Lives my Tribute

In my crossings on my road, I discovered a wonderful song.
I first heard this on a movie called " Fifty First Dates " staring
the wonderful Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. A funny true
love story. The song was at the end of the movie and it touched 
my soul. So I got curious to see who sang this great song.
It was by a beautiful man named  Isreal "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole.
What a beautiful person he was. I found his video and was very 
excited and then sad to know that he had left this earth to
venture onto another.
 But his music will live in our hearts forever. It does not
 matter how he  looks,he is a beautiful person. And such,
 makes me smile at such a wonderful person  with a beautiful
 voice,smile & eyes that can give me happiness just the same.
I am glad that I found you "IZ". I have felt your spirit & it will live forever.
I should be so lucky to have a grand going away party such as you did. 
place you love,at the beach, floating into every ones hearts.
 Bless you my spirit friend,your aura  will shine in eternity. 
All my love,brother.........
So I share with you this wonderful song. Blessings to you & may "IZ"
touch you as he did  me.
Thanks for reading my Blog. Till the morrow always.

Will You

I suppose your out there,but you will never find me. I tend to hide in the trees in the forest, where the winds blow making things a bit calmer. I love the sounds and the beauty of the earth and what sweet mother nature has to offer me. Each day exploring more of her colors.
You can find me there somewhere. My heart is taken by a higher universe who will never let me down nor break my heart. Even though mother nature cannot physically hug me,.
I will not mind waiting for her,because she is worth it.

Blessed Be for your day. May it be filled with the sounds of the forest making you calm and peaceful. Blessings for reading my blog once again. 
Till the morrow 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rainy DayZ

 Have always loved the rain. ever since I was a wee girl.
The world seems a bit different when the heavens sent water through the clouds.
Soft the day seems, with a tainted light above. Birds take a happy
shower & fluff with happiness.
Seems the world wants to have a little more caution on it's side,
well to most. I would love to hear the raindrops on a tin shed.
The wind blowing through the tree making a hollow sound. Chimes
ringing about on the porch.
Nice day to sit on the porch with a cup of hot tea and just watch.
Just a lazy day. Time for thoughts & dreams to ponder upon.
Curl up & read a good book, or write a poem or story.
Rainy dayz are just that, a daze into the amazement's of Mother nature.
Have a wonderful day and may Mother nature
be kind and give you something special in your day that will make you smile.
Thanks for reading my Blog,
 Many Blessings till the morrow..... ^..^

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Being Normal

Sometimes is not quite often. Being normal is what? To who?
 Being you is important. Doesn't matter what others think. A smile
in your own mirror at yourself is all the approval that you need.
I wonder in my thoughts of days to come. Of my dreams that will
become a reality. So making comments to self, is just that.
 Putting them on paper,writing a goal date, prepare mentally &
 physically is all apart of the plan. If you do not do this, then you have not committed
 Think goal,think commitment, think I can. Even if be just  for 5 minutes.
 Common now 5 minutes? You can do that, it is not hard.

Sometimes pretending to be normal is very hard, because I am normal to me.
Your normal is you. So when others say act normal, your reply is "I" am.
 I'm happy with normal me and you should be too.
May mother nature give you her blessings. Courage to stand up
 straight  and be happy with your normal. Thanks for reading my blog as always.
Till the morrow. ^..^

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year

It's a new year already. A time to start over or continue on an improvement still
path. Set a goal of some kind and go for it. I like to continuously work on my
goals as a long term. Even if little one make them into a big one.
Love to read and always hope for the best. Lighting my candles daily is very inspiring
This of many things I do. I plan on opening my art gallery and photo shoot gallery with
a bang. I am not sure this little town is ready for me, but there are up beat people here
so I intend on focusing on them. We all like to be different in our  own ways, so may my
happy spirit touch someone each day, inspire them to be better. and make them smile.
May mother nature be kind to you & give you the inspiration that you need, comfort you
and help you feel at peace with your self. Thanks for reading my blog as always, till the